Mixed Pairs Competition

Posted: 29 October 2022 in uncategorised.

We hosted our first external competition where we invited local boxes to our facility to compete in two divisions, RX and Scaled. The day was attended by 50 teams who completed 6 challenging workouts programmed to test their CrossFit abilities.


The days events started at 0730 with check in for all athletes along with a briefing of the workouts. We programmed the events to test all aspects of CrossFit that included; Skill, muscular endurance, power, explosive strength and cardio and respiratory endurance. Workout 1 identified the athletes abilities to ascend a 10ft rope swiftly and efficiently whilst performing a high volume of wall balls. Once completed pairs were then challenged on the Echo Bike for the remaining time.


Whilst working through their gymnastic attributes in workout 2 we moved onto our Barbell Hang to Overhead ladder which allowed our teams to reach max reps with 8 increasing weights. The feedback from this particular event was great as it was a fantastic workout to spectate and allowed the events team to gain time back from the planned schedule.


On our penultimate workout we allowed the pairs to utilise the vast space within the farm. With the weather a warm 21* on the day, we got see the teams push themselves with a Kettlebell carry over a short distance along with a short burst of skill and endurance exercises.


The day was coming to a close with 2 events to go and the athletes on their last legs ready for the day to meet its conclusion. Strength and power in the Front Squat impacted the results on the leaderboard which at the time was close to call in both divisions. Once the pairs completed event 5 then it was simply pedal to the metal on event 6 and time to empty the gas tank. With the athletes now feeling full exertion after the final event it was good to know that all efforts were left on the floor with nothing more to give.


We finalised our event with an awards ceremony crowning the top 3 teams in both divisions and words of gratitude to our attendees and volunteers.


We couldn’t of asked for a better day with everything going to plan and feedback from all involved a very positive outlook. We plan to run our next competition in April 23 with what we hope is a growing comp reputation.


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